
Kerri Koch is a media producer with a passion for documentaries, community outreach, and teaching. She has written/directed two feature length films that are available on DVD, as well as a number of short projects. Kerri is an experienced educator in video production and editing to students of every age and skill level.

Don’t Need You is the primer for anyone interested in girl powered independent music. The film features important live music clips of amazing bands and interviews with key players in the Riot GRRRL music scene. Don’t Need You has screened all over the world and is available on DVD.

Passions Just Like Mine is a film a dedication to the greatest singer of all time, Morrissey, according to a few thousand Latino fans in the Los Angeles area. It is a portrait of these fans and how Morrissey’s music and lyrics have effected them. This film has been screened across the country and was released on DVD in 2010.

If you would like to show our films, please email ramochan@gmail.com